Why your building should get a report card, too

Buildings are more than just bricks and mortar; they're part of the team. And just like any good team member, they need a little nudge to stay on track.
November 6, 2023
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Real Estate ROI

Just like a stellar employee, your building plays a crucial role in the daily success and culture of your company. So, why not give it the same growth opportunities with a performance review?

That’s exactly what we do for our customers.

Onboarding your space: “Welcome to the team, Building!”

When a new team member joins, you set them up for success from day one. The same goes for your building.  We're not just tossing sensors around; we're like workplace detectives, strategizing how to amplify your space's potential.

This includes setting SMART goals for your space, ensuring that every square foot is utilized to its fullest potential, contributing to your company's narrative.

The 30-day check-in

A month into a job, you're hopefully past the 'where's the bathroom?' phase. Same goes for your space. After 30 days with our tech, we're diving deep into the data, not just to see numbers but to get the real story. What’s working? What's not?

And why does everyone hang out by the ficus tree? We’re on it.

The annual review

And then comes the big one—the annual review. Only for buildings, it's less about self-reflection and more about celebrating the wins and gearing up for what's next. Did we hit our targets? Is the lobby being used more efficiently? Time to dish out the high-fives and set new goals.

Bring in the consultants

Sometimes, you need the heavy hitters—like when an exec steps in to solve a problem. That's where our Density Advisory Team comes in. They're the workplace whisperers, seeing things others might miss, and yeah, sometimes finding savings that make the CFO do a happy dance.

The big picture

Buildings are more than just bricks and mortar; they're part of the team. And just like any good team member, they need a little nudge to stay on track. That's what we're here for. With Density, your real estate's not just existing; it's thriving and helping you crush those business goals.